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IFB microwave oven service Centre in Mumbai

ravalika reddy
IFB microwave oven service Centre in Mumbai

Microwave Oven is the best appliance in the world which we use for melting, baking, reheating and many more. There are different types of microwave ovens such as solo microwave oven, conventional microwave oven, grill microwave oven. Any type or any model of microwave is repaired in our service center. We can enjoy the leftovers by reheating the food in less time. We can make different recipes at home instead of eating outside food. It's better to eat at home and avoid outside food. Homemade food is better than the outside food. Microwave oven can bake different types of cakes, melting chocolates and many more. We can find different types of microwave ovens in the market such as, grill microwave oven, solo microwave oven, convection microwave oven. We can purchase any kind of microwave oven according to our budget. Here we are here to provide all kinds of repair service to your microwave oven at your doorstep. Contact us:  8106660022, 18008918106, if you face any kind of issues with your microwave oven. We also provide 30 days warranty for the general services and 90 days warranty for the spare parts. 

mumbai Maharashtra  pin code 400004 INDIA

ravalika reddy
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