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Introduction To Granddaddy Purple strain

Andy David

What is granddaddy purple?

One of the few strains loved by first-timers and professional weed growers is the granddaddy purple. The granddaddy purple is an 80% indica dominant strain that makes the person calm and relaxed. The strain is 21% THC making it the ideal choice for people with minor mental issues such as depression, anxiety, or chronic pain.

Granddaddy Purple is a cross between Big Bud and Purple Urkle that gives the plant its high THC concentration. It activates all the senses making you feel very alert while also being relaxed and silent at the same time. This strain is a favorite of many weed enthusiasts and newbies since it made its debut in 2003. Some people often recommend this strain for newbies as they get to experience what really bliss feels like.

2- Smell, taste, and appearance of the granddaddy purple

When it comes to the aroma of the granddaddy purple, this beautiful strain smells like candy, grapes, and berries. The taste is also somewhat similar to the person experiencing some sweetness of grapes and berries.

People have also reported that the strain reminds them of candies they used to eat as children making them nostalgic. Appearance-wise the plant has some huge green leaves with hints of purple color. The THC layer looks like snow on the nuggets, which can instantly bring up a smile on the face of any weed lover. The leaves and the nuggets bring out the energy of granddaddy purple that is unmatched.

3- Tips on growing the best strain of granddaddy purple

The plant gives the highest yield when grown indoors. The average time of the yields is around nine to eleven weeks. When grown indoors under a controlled environment, the plant has given around 19 ounces of yield. But when grown outdoors, the yield was reduced to 17 ounces.

Temperature and humidity matter the most during the production of granddaddy purple. The ideal temperature is around 70℉ - 80℉ during the daytime, and during  the nights the temperature drop must not be more than 10℉ - 15℉. The ideal humidity of the room must be around 50%. If the humidity level rises above 50%, it becomes difficult for the plant to absorb water and not grow under ideal conditions.

4- Medicinal uses of granddaddy purple

This strain is mainly used by people suffering from chronic pain and cannot rely on painkillers. With its high THC levels, the granddaddy purple is perfect for people who lack appetite or remain depressed most of the time and socially anxious. The strain helps insomniac people, and with prescribed consumption, they also follow sleep patterns. The dosage must only be increased after consulting the doctor, or else the same strain will also be responsible for depression, anxiety, and stress among users.

In conclusion

You can get good quality genes of the granddaddy purple from the i49 website

Andy David is the author of this article. For further detail about Granddaddy Purple please visit the website.

Andy David
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