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Child Custody Complications For Unmarried Parents

Jos family Law
Child Custody Complications For Unmarried Parents

Unmarried parents are sometimes overlooked when people discuss child custody situations. However, unmarried parents have to deal with the same child custody issues that divorced parents deal with, maybe sometimes more. Here are some suggestions about how an unmarried mother or father can deal with their custody issues.


An issue for an unmarried parent may be a child that was born from a couple that was never really together. An unmarried parent may be alone and have to make all of the decisions regarding raising their child. However, unmarried parents should take heart and get help through as many resources as possible.


Even if the other parent is no longer in the picture or never really was - that parent is still responsible for the child. Efforts should be made to contact the parent and inform them that they have a child. Measures can then be taken to ensure that the other parent pays child support and fulfills other responsibilities concerning the child.


If both parents are involved in the child's life, and there are custody issues about what parent the child will live with, the parents should seek help to resolve these issues. Custody mediation is a good idea for parents who need to develop a custody arrangement and are having a hard time working together.


In custody mediation, the mother and father sit with a child custody lawyer and try to reach an agreement in the children's best interest. The mother and father should do everything possible to come to an agreement on their parenting plan, or they will need to prepare a custody case for court.


If they go to court and present their cases, the court will make the ultimate decisions about custody and visitation. Both parents are usually much happier if they can reach an agreement without going to court. Unmarried parents should both try to be proactive in raising their children.


Children do best when they have positive involvement with both their mother and father. Unmarried parents can work through their child's custody issues and come up with a plan that allows the child/children to interact with both parents. This is better for the children and better for the responsible parents.


Do not waste time in the uncertainty of losing custody of your kids or having the least visitation rights by not grasping child custody laws. Contact Mr. Binoye Jos at Jos Family Law for the best advice. Find the right custody arrangement and guarantee success with the top Costa Mesa divorce attorney. For a free initial consultation, call Jos Family Law at 1-714~733-7066.

Jos family Law
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