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Demat Account Opening Guide for Beginners

Demat Account Opening Guide for Beginners

Get the advantages of a full-service broking firm minus the hefty commission fee and trade with its state-of-the-art online trading platform – Jiffy. Mentioned below are a few reasons why Choice Broking offers the best Demat Account in India.

  1. Demat Account Opening is free of cost.
  2. No Demat Annual Maintenance Fee for a lifetime.  
  3. Get up to 10X Margin on trades.
  4. Trade with the lowest brokerage fee on transactions, i.e., as less as 2 Paisa* (the lowest as compared to full-service brokers). You can visit the List of charges to understand the brokerage charged in detail. [insert link here]
  5. Get in-depth market insights with Free Fundamental Reports (Short Research Notes, IPO Update, Result Update, Economy, Sector Specific, Stock Specific, GDP Reports, IIP/CPI Reports & RBI Monetary Policy) and Technical Reports (Pick of the Week, Morning Tea, Equity, Techno Call, Traders Choice, Commodity One Pager, Commodity Insight, Derivative Direction, Choice Sparks, Special Report, Weekly Index Report, Weekly Reports & Options Ranneeti) that are also available on WhatsApp.  
  6. Free Daily Stock Recommendations.
  7. Call for trade facility is also provided.
  8. Online (Phone and Email) as well as Offline (in over 20+ branch office PAN India) Customer Support provided.  
  9. With the implementation of the eSign facility, it is possible for a trader to start trading (buying shares) within approximately 4 hours of account opening, if the individual is already KYC Verified.

Open a Free Demat Account with Free Lifetime AMC and Zero Custodian Charges with Jiffy.


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