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Top 3 Reasons behind the Ever-growing popularity of Tin and Aluminum Beverage Cans

Hindustan Tin
Top 3 Reasons behind the Ever-growing popularity of Tin and Aluminum Beverage Cans

The modern beverage cans made and supplied by the top beverage cans manufacturer are the same that were once used for beer and other intoxicating liquids. These cans were not created overnight. It took many years to reach this ultra-sophisticated stage and the advancement is still going on.

There are so many questions that strike one’s mind regarding these cans: 

  • Why are different types of beverages sold in these tin and aluminum cans?
  • Why do these beverage cans score heavily over other containers?
  • Why are these cans so popular across the global markets?

This article attempts to answer all the above questions in the following pointers:

Cans, made and supplied by the leading beverage cans manufacturer, despite so many stigmas, are the best alternatives to packing all types of beverages. Many people still associate these beverage cans with substandard quality drinks, however, things have taken a drastic turn in the past 15 years. Both consumers and beverage cans manufacturers have started realizing the incredible advantages of beverage cans and packed drinks in them.  


High-quality beverage cans are not only efficient at keeping any drink fresh but also an ideal solution to store the beverages. Oxygen and light are the two biggest enemies of any breweries but tin cans can keep them away. Canned products always remain fresh for longer periods and are advantageous for the beverage producers also. 


Packing and storing liquids such as beer, sensitive spirits, and wines might be a tough challenge for any company, and cans are the best alternative option to serve the purpose. For example, beer and wine need to be stored in a dark and cool environment with no big swings in temperature. Can packaging solutions made and supplied the leading beverage cans manufacturer in India can save the manufacturing companies face so many such hassles and unnecessary stress. Aluminum and tin cans:

  • Are resistant, compact, and user-friendly
  • Are not only the easiest option to store the beverages but also to ship them
  • Are many times lighter than glass bottles, and
  • Are less breakable and more affordable.


Convenience is one of the most remarkable aspects associated with beverage cans. They are valued across the globe for their convenience and portability. Lightweight and durable, these cans chill faster and are ideally suitable for all types of lifestyles including outdoor adventures such as hiking and camping. There is no possibility of any accidental breakage that brings an added peace of mind to the users. Cans are also a perfect remedy for any indoor event right from playgrounds and stadiums to concerts. They can be used very comfortably where glass bottles are not permitted at all.

Concluding Remarks 

Hindustan Tin Works Ltd. is one of the leading high-performance beverage can manufacturer and exporters in India. The company also manufactures and supplies printed sheets, and related components to consumer marketing companies both in India and abroad. With more than 700 employees, a yearly production capacity of 260 million units, and an annual sales turnover of over INR 3 Billion, the company is a well-recognized and respected name in the metal packaging industry. 

Hindustan Tin
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