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Why is FUE the most preferred hair transplant technique?

Meeraz clinic
Why is FUE the most preferred hair transplant technique?

Ready to restore your hairline and to feel younger? Fed up with the persistent stress of going bald? Invest in FUE hair transplant procedure that is reliable and most trusted amongst patients. In today’s times, FUE is considered to be the most advanced procedure for restoring hairs. It is most popular among hair transplantation method assuring great results with natural growing hairs. 

Here are some of the reasons why it is most preferred and extensively used by doctors.


  • The term FUE stands for follicular unit Extraction. It is a surgical procedure wherein your healthy hairs are picked up from the donor site and then planted into the areas with very little or no hair. Though the surgery is minimally invasive but is very safe and effective.
  • The entire procedure is completed in a day and there is negligible pain. The surgery leaves you with no linear donor site scar, unlike the one that you get in the FUT method. The patient can also return home the very same day.
  • The best part is that the procedure needs to be done only once and despite so many benefits, it is extremely budget-friendly.
  • Healing time - This is another very important reason why FUE is mostly considered. As there is no scarring after the hair transplant in India, hence healing time is relatively less. It means recovery is faster in FUE than any other chosen methods.


Overall, the benefits of FUE outweighs any other procedure. So, what are you waiting for-reach out to our experts at Meeraz Clinic to get the best treatment for hair transplant in Andheri West, Mumbai. At Meeraz Clinic, we have the best team of surgeons to address any of your hair related concerns or queries.  

Meeraz clinic
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