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IPhone Back Glass Repair

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IPhone Back Glass Repair

iPhone’s back glass accidentally got damaged? Didn’t get any reliable centre who can fix your device? Place your trust in Fixpod and relax!We comprise of a team of certified technicians in the industry offering prompt, reliable and professional iPhone back glass repair at a highly competitive price. Our wealth of experience and skill-set in the industry has earned us reputation and we have the potential to resolve any issue including back cover broken problems, irrespective of the iPhone model.

iPhone 8, 8 Plus, X, XS, XR and XS Max come with a delicate and thin glass backing that easily breaks if any misfortune happens. Due to the intrinsic nature of the design, iPhone back glass repair requires precision, skill-set, especially at times of replacing rear glass panel and associated parts. Irrespective of being a time-consuming and labour-intensive work, our industry-expert technicians strive to provide prompt iPhone back glass repairs using guaranteed parts at a very nominal price so that you don’t run out of productivity. We adopt every possible way to deliver you a fully functional iPhone within a stipulated time frame and budget. More Details Visit

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