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Preschooler Nutrition: What Should Your Preschooler Be Eating?

Aaron Watson
Preschooler Nutrition: What Should Your Preschooler Be Eating?

Nutrition matters for everyone, but even more so for growing kids. Kids at the age of 3 to 5 are considered to be preschoolers. At this stage, they are still growing and developing their eating habits, though. That means you’ll want to encourage them to eat healthy. Kids love to learn all about new flavors and tastes, so introducing them to healthy foods will go a long way to raising kids who aren’t picky about what they eat. This is also how you train kids to love fruits and vegetables. Here are some mealtime suggestions that you’ll find useful in training the palate of kids at this age. 

Make Meals 

When you prepare your child’s meals, you know what’s going into that lunchbox. You know what your child is eating. However, you can also consider choosing a school that offers healthy meal options. That could be a factor when you look around for the best preschool in Singapore

Practice Sitting Down While Eating

A lot of kids run around even while they’re in the middle of eating. As your child grows older, though, it’s best that you train your little one to stay put until they’ve finished their food. Running could result in choking, so you’ll want to discourage your child from running around. It could also lead to accidents. 

Focus on Eating

Does your child watch their tablet while eating? Discourage that behaviour as well. You want the child to focus on eating instead. Your child might bring that poor behaviour at the table elsewhere. It’s important that your child knows how to eat properly. You are your little one’s role model. They’ll mimic what you do, so demonstrate proper eating behaviour to them. 

Schedule the Snacks

You essentially want to limit any unplanned eating in between mealtimes. Discourage snacks that are too close to mealtimes, so they won’t spoil your child’s appetite. One way to make sure this rule is followed is to check the eating schedule of their school in Singapore. That way, you can pick which school fits your needs better by choosing which one ensures snack times aren’t abused by the students.  

Offer a Variety of Foods 

You want to train your child to not be picky with food. To do that, though, make sure you introduce a wide variety of foods to your kid. A child who grows up eating vegetables and fruits won’t shy away from them when they grow up. On the other hand, kids who grow up on a diet of hotdogs and bacon might be picky and won’t be as accepting or accommodating when trying out food that might be unfamiliar to them. That’s why it’s important that you introduce a variety of dishes as early as possible to train the child’s palate. 

Make Mealtimes Fun 

What’s the worst thing that you can do during mealtimes? It’s forcing your child to eat. That will create an unpleasant memory, one that your child will associate with mealtimes even as they grow older. They might not even be able to name it, but they’ll feel unhappy every time they eat. Prevent that scenario. Don’t pressure your child to eat. Also, don’t force your child to finish their plate. This practice could lead to overeating, as the child will ignore their feelings, even when they’re full, if they are trained or develop the habit of finishing their plate. 

Be a Role Model

Show your child healthy eating habits. Preschoolers copy what they see and let them see you loving fruits and vegetables. If you eat healthy, then you’ll raise kids who eat healthy, too. 

Aaron Watson
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