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Types of Tooth Colored Fillings - Know Whats Right For You

first point dental clinics
Types of Tooth Colored Fillings - Know Whats Right For You

There are three main types of tooth colored fillings. Ionomers, Composite fillings, and porcelain / ceramic fillings.

Composite fillings are composed of a mixture of resins and small particles. These fillings are designed to mimic the color of a natural tooth. Although not as durable as silver fillings, the natural look provides a more natural and aesthetic look. In some cases, composite resins need to be cemented or adhered to the tooth to ensure adhesion.

Ionomers are made from a variety of material combinations. These materials may include frosted glass and acrylic. The ionomer stuffing is tooth-colored and has a natural look. These fillings are usually used near chewing gum lines or roots. Ionomers are more fragile than silver fillers. A small amount of fluoride is released from the compound to strengthen the enamel in the affected area.

Porcelain fillings are often used for crown, veneer and inlay slates. Porcelain filling is made from a combination of porcelain, glass powder and ceramic. Porcelain fillings are more durable than fillings of other tooth colors. However, prolonged bite pressure can cause fractures.

first point dental clinics
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