Human beings are innately creative. Almost, every person in this world is capable of creative thought. Creativity is a skill nurtured from our daily observations, activities and thoughts.
Creativity needs to be original
Creativity does not necessarily always have to be original, just a different outlook to existing problems and a solution to solve them is creativity. Businesses, corporates do not always have a unique idea; it is just a different approach to solve the existing problem guarantees them success.
Creativity is linked to art
Creativity is applied to our day-to-day activities also. A mother raising her child, is a creative process. Anything new, anything not a part of the routine is a creative process. A person tapping into their full potential via various methods and routines is also creativity as the individual was determined to make his life better which led him to creative thinking. Music, dance, writing, programming – everything is creativity. Fine Arts Products Online
Creativity cannot be taught; you are either born with it or not
Every human is tuned to find solutions to his/her own problems and the process of finding solutions to improve your current life, or help others is an act of creativity. Creative thinking can be developed, nurtured through systematic activities and routines
Creativity isn’t my job
To live, to survive, to thrive, to sustain – we need to be creative in your thoughts and ideas. Creativity is not only reserved for artists; it is for everyone who thrives for change and betterment.
Established by 2 sister based out of Mumbai, We are an online store providing all the high end artist supply products under one roof. We also support indian Homegrown Artists Brands and provide them with a platform to reach their fan base around India!
The demand for artworks has increased in recent times with the general populace becoming more and more art-savvy. In urban homes of today, it is quite common to discover canvas art, vintage paintings and candid photographs shot by lesser known artists.
The world is inundated with people who share their common love for art. So for every art piece which you intend to sell, there is a potential buyer somewhere hoping and waiting to buy it and exhibit it at his home. Besides, since artworks by renowned professionals can be very expensive, the masses basically settle for works done by amateurs and young undiscovered talents.
FineArtAmerica.com is a common meeting ground for people from different points of the world and having one common element binding them all- the love for art. Fine Art America, being a virtual bazaar for buyers and sellers, makes for an excellent platform where artists can sell their products at great prices. It is a platform where people can interact with each other and broach subjects centered on painting, photographs, doodles, canvases, etc.
The world does not have a dearth of art collectors. Some people buy artworks driven by the passion for art, while some do so since they have too much wealth. For them, hanging exotic paintings can be one tempting way to show off their high taste. On the other hand, even artists buy artworks by other artists since in every art field, one artist can always draw an inspiration or a parallel from another.
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