100% Organic Clothing and Organic Approved Digital Printing. Vertical Integrated Digital printing factory with GOTS approved.
Pictures Portraying about the Safe Working Environment, Social duty and our Wonderful Workers, who's handy hands have done the best of best to complete to give the appeal and magnificence of the textures and garments you request from us. digital printing on cotton fabric
Each Slides Shows the Peoples who are persevering ordinarily to make this superb garments and textures
The Era of Digital printing started with Reactive inks in Textile industry, The most flexible ink for the Cotton and Cotton subsidiaries like Viscose, modular, Cotton poly, Which can be printed without any difficulty here. Every one of our colors and helper utilized here are Organic Approved guidelines
The scope of responsive shadings are just about as splendid as your texture colored shades, Fastness is generally excellent with incredible
hand-feel. Anyway the cycle season of the printing is longer here because of different interaction included, for example, digital printing fabrics
The Latest and the most encouraging headway on the Digital printing is the PIGMENT Inks, Universally color have no danger to the climate. The Pigment inks in the new years had achieved a biggest stature as far as shadings, extravagance, delicate hand feel, and astounding runnability in the Digital printing machines. All Dyes and assistant are Organic Certified
Color = FAST, Yes moment testing and creation is profoundly conceivable with the Digital Pigment printing. As quick as your moment mug of espresso, Once you have a decent craftsmanship, in a matter of moments, your examples are prepared.
We have 3 High speed Pigment advanced printing machines with a creation limit of around 3000 Kilograms in a solitary day. Which is comparable to the speed of the standard turning printing. The quickest shade Digital printing machine in India.
Website: - https://www.macrofast.com/