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Winnie Couture - Wedding Dresses and Bridal Gowns Store

winnie couture
Winnie Couture - Wedding Dresses and Bridal Gowns Store

Winnie Couture offers the most lavishing bridal gowns and wedding dresses which make these dresses a modern mix of classic elegant and sophisticated couture which compliments your personality. Winnie couture placed with the largest selection of designer wedding gowns. Completely handcrafted and designed in Beverly Hills, California, every Winnie Couture gown is custom-made with the most lavish components, including European silk, intricate lace and Swarovski crystal embellishments. The salon also offers a complete selection of statement jewelries, delicate veils and crystal belts to complete the entire vision. for more call us @ (310) 858-8868

Or visit: https://www.winniecouture.com/about/franchise/ 

winnie couture
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