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'Fast & Furious 9': John Cena apologizes in Mandarin to China after saying Taiwan is a country

'Fast & Furious 9': John Cena apologizes in Mandarin to China after saying Taiwan is a country

The Chinese market has been of paramount importance to Hollywood for years and any controversy can ostracize a blockbuster. That was the risk faced by 'Fast & Furious 9' after the appearance of a promotional meeting in which John Cena described Taiwan as a country , something that has led the former fighter to publish a video apologizing.

The controversy in question
Cena's decision is made even more surprising by the fact that he recorded the video speaking perfect Mandarin, a language he became interested in during the years he traveled around the world as a professional wrestler. The actor has posted the video on Weibo , the Chinese equivalent of Twitter, clarifying that in one of the interviews "he made a mistake ."

The controversy is due to the fact that Cena did not identify Taiwan as part of China, as the latter country demands. The actor makes no direct mention of this point, but notes that " I love and respect China and the Chinese " and sincerely apologize for what happened.

It is difficult not to think that one of the great motivations of this apology is in the fact that the Chinese market is of capital importance for the 'Fast & Furious' franchise , since the ninth installment has raised 137 million dollars only during its first end available in theaters in thatcountry.

And it is that the eighth installment went to 392 million dollars in China, two more than the seventh . They cannot afford a boycott , especially with the uncertainty that continues to reign in the Hollywood industry.

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