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What is Cultivator in India - Advantages & Uses

saanu rasia
What is Cultivator in India - Advantages & Uses

Agriculture is an economy-based sector that includes over 50% Indian population. For performing agriculture operations, various farming machines are available, such as tractors, cultivators, rotavators, etc. Today we are discussing cultivator machines. Horses replaced tractor cultivator power in the 20th century. In earlier times, farming was done by two horses. Cultivators are a better contributor to agricultural profits.


Cultivator is a very popular farm equipment used to perform tillage and land preparation operations. The tractor attachment is powerful and has a solid body, handling every unfavourable soil, weather and field conditions. Tractors Cultivator Price range which suits farmers pocket, or we can say it is pocket friendly. Farmers can easily buy it at an affordable price.


Advantages of Cultivators in India


Cultivator machine has many advantages, making it suitable and the best machine among the Indian farmers. 


Some of which are mentioned below:- 


  • The machine is strong and durable. 
  • Cultivator price is affordable and budget-friendly. 
  • It is loaded with sharp cutters. 
  • Cultivator comes with the best working width, making it more productive.


Popular Cultivators in India 


In the market, various cultivator models are available manufactured by many excellent companies. Some popular cultivators are mentioned in the below section. 


Swaraj Spring Loaded Cultivator

Soiltech Cultivator

Khedut Rigid cultivator 


For more information about cultivators, stay tuned with us. You can also check a complete list of cultivators along with the price and features at TractorGuru.

saanu rasia
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