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Wind Turbine Blade Inspection Services; Reduce the Costs Associated With Repair or Replacement

CMI Blogging
Wind Turbine Blade Inspection Services; Reduce the Costs Associated With Repair or Replacement

Wind turbine blade inspection services are important as wind turbine blades require continuous monitoring and maintenance to ensure that they are operating at optimum efficiency. Thus, wind turbine components have to be carefully monitored through a systematic maintenance program and regular inspection. A wind turbine is a mechanical device that converts the wind's kinetic energy into mechanical energy. This mechanical power can be used for specific tasks (such as pumping water or grinding grain) or can be converted into electricity by a generator.

There is a paradigm shift towards renewable sources of energy worldwide. Several countries worldwide are adding renewable energy capacity to their total energy mix. The wind is a clean, free, and readily available renewable energy source. With the increasing number of installations of wind turbines, the demand for wind turbine blade inspection services is also increasing. Inspection of wind turbine blades is very important, thus, it is necessary to inspect the blades thoroughly to increase productivity and reduce the costs associated with repair or replacement.

Wind turbine blade inspection services include artificial intelligence, sensors or advanced imaging, unmanned aerial vehicles, robotics inspection, non-destructive testing (NDT). These services help to extend the life of a wind turbine. Rotor blades, generator package, and gearbox are some major components of the wind turbine, which are likely to break down. Wind turbine inspection services efficiently target these particular components and make sure that the turbine is working efficiently at all times. In Germany, wind power is a growing industry. Moreover, Germany has the highest installed wind capacity in Europe.

According to the German Wind Energy Association (BWE), at the end of 2020, there were a total of 29,608 onshore wind turbines in Germany. Around 420 new onshore wind turbines with a capacity of 1,431 MW were newly installed in 2020. Moreover, as of 2019, Japan had a total installed capacity of 3,923 MW. Thus, with increasing installation, the demand for wind turbine blade inspection services is also increasing.

CMI Blogging
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