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The symptoms and treatment of social Anxiety Disorder

Amenta Sademtk
The symptoms and treatment of social Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety disorders affect millions of people around the world. An individual suffering from anxiety could be anxious about the smallest of things, and may exhibit a range of physical symptoms, too. An anxiety disorder can cause lots of disruption in the life of a person Anxiety. There is no definitive cure, but there are many ways to manage it. Knowing what the condition is and how it affects your life can help you seek treatment and find relief.

There are a variety of anxiety disorders. They are categorized as generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) panic disorders, phobias-related disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder(PTSD) and specific conditions that are related to phobias. The symptoms and signs of every type of disorder are distinct however they are often manifested with similar symptoms. GAD, for instance, is characterized by excessive worry and fear about day-to-day activities, while those with PTSD (PTSD) feel a sense of guilt, shame, or reminiscence of painful experiences, often revisiting the event(s) that triggered the attack.

Specific phobias can include fear of heights, water, germs, spiders, buses or subways, bees, and large areas. Another condition that is common is stress disorder. It can range from excessive worry and social anxiety to extreme chronic stress that can impact everyday activities. OCD and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are two other forms of stress disorders. OCD is defined as being repetitive and disturbing. PTSD is a disorder of depression or anxiety that causes thoughts, actions, or attempts at suicide.

Anxiety disorders may be caused by a variety of risk factors. They include biological, psychological and behavioral reasons. Genetics and neurobiological processes are the two most studied areas. Researchers have identified several risk factors that could be responsible for genetic diseases. However the exact cause is still unknown. These include abnormal neurotransmitters within the brain and abnormal levels of cortisol and other chemicals that regulate anxiety as well as the body's inflammatory response genetic susceptibility to environmental contaminants; and low levels of serotonin, a key chemical that regulates appetite and mood.

The symptoms may make it hard for patients to know how to treat their condition. First, visit a doctor. A professional in mental health can assist to determine if social anxiety disorder is actually an actual issue, or if the symptoms are due to an other medical health issue. When a patient decides that they may be suffering from social anxiety, he or she should be evaluated for any existing conditions as well as for the potential symptoms of the disorder. The doctor is able to effectively treat the issue through this evaluation Mental Health.

Once the doctor has confirmed that social anxiety disorder is a concern and has confirmed that it is a problem, it is time to start treating it. Doctors may prescribe a variety of different types of medications to alleviate the symptoms. These can include different types of antidepressants, beta blockers, and various types of sedatives. While these medications can be effective at alleviating the symptoms of anxiety in social situations, they're not an effective treatment for the condition. These medications can help improve the quality of life of the patient.

Amenta Sademtk
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