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Buy Wool Online in India at Best Price

Furniture Boutiq
Buy Wool Online in India at Best Price

Global wool production is about 2 million tonnes (2.2 million short tons) per year, of which 60% goes into apparel. Wool comprises ca 3% of the global textile market, but its value is higher owing to dyeing and other modifications of the material. Australia is a leading producer of wool which is mostly from Merino sheep but has been eclipsed by China in terms of total weight. New Zealand (2016) is the third-largest producer of buying Wool Online in India at Best Price and the largest producer of crossbred wool. Buy Wool Online in India at Best Price. Also, a thriving home-flock contingent of small-scale farmers raises small hobby flocks of specialty sheep for the hand-spinning market.


Wool is the textile fibre obtained from sheep and other animals, including cashmere and mohair from goats, qiviut from muskoxen, hide and fur clothing from bison, angora from rabbits, and other types of wool from camelids. Wool consists of protein together with a small percentage of lipids.

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