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How to use this eBay template to build this professional mobile-friendly

Raz Smith
How to use this eBay template to build this professional mobile-friendly

I'm gonna tel how to use this eBay template to build this professional mobile-friendly customizable and sales generating eBay listing it adopts the same principles as successful companies like Amazon it has a rollover image gallery the tension hooks then the description below the conversion rate is high and it also has additional features by different mobile and header images a video option and more it's for complete beginners no coding knowledge is required and it's really easy to do so if you watch this video you'll be able to convert more prospects into paying customers stay tuned what is up guys I'm Nick I'm a web developer and I've sold thousands of items on eBay under my own brands now as a web developer I've personally built this template myself it's been a lot of meticulous and careful work but I've tested and perfected this template so I'm going to show how to design a list and offer products that I used to sell which by the way is a radio-controlled toy tank now this template adopts the same successful strategies used by the likes of Amazon and that are recommended from the books I've read the code is clean and it's efficient and there's no JavaScript because that's banned so I've been very prudent it's future-proof completely compliant and it only uses HTML and CSS it's responsive in other words tablet and mobile friendly and the images maintain their aspect ratio when viewed on different devices so they don't stretch they don't crop and they don't cut off now I do have another template which has had great feedback but this is a new advanced template with more features and a higher conversion rate so if you're transferring from my other eBay listing it's easy to do it has the same banner image and a similar design but this listing has better features like rollover image gallery attention hooks an optional video button better mobile and styling options repositional header links semantic elements for search engine rankings optimum font sizes for different devices and so on so this beginner-friendly listing is for the best sellers and if your current listing isn't great then the longer you wait the more sales you're missing out on so anyway in order to get started you can get the listing from outset web.com /e Bay Pro and once you've downloaded to the template you'll get a folder with a bunch of files now it also includes a cheat sheet which has a load of strategies that may help your business and it also has a load of template options and the template option to use depends on how many images that you have now there's a maximum of 8 images that can be used in this demo I have 4 images so I'm going to choose the 4 image eBay template and now I need to navigate to the HTML view of the eBay website so open eBay in a web browser and after you've logged in click sell and then select create listing and single listing so then choose a category and then scroll down to the HTML view so then open up the code select everything and then press control C or command + C if you're using a Mac and then click anywhere inside of the HTML tab and paste so now if we return to the standard view the template has been inserted into the listing so to preview on a desktop click preview listing and everything looks great we've got our rollover thumbs we've got the hooks to captivate our audience we've got the body with an optional video button and the policy areas now in order to preview this on a mobile we need to scroll back up and click mobile-friendly checker and as you can see it also looks great on a mobile because I've made this responsive so it adapts its display to be mobile-friendly everything has been configured there's no active content in other words JavaScript because this is a HTML Ebay template with nine CSS and there are no non-compliant links so now that everything's set up the first thing we need to do is replace this green area with our own header image now if I just show you something quickly watch this green header image as ice rink the browser window size to be smaller it changes to this orange image now this is a different image on a mobile view and that's green image is what it will look like on a normal desktop computer view so if we look at the files in the directory there's this mobile header image template and this desktop the header image template so all you need to do is open these and edits them to include your custom eBay artwork or of course you could just create your own images the desktop image needs to be a thousand and fifty pixels by 15

Raz Smith
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