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What is the IIoT? Everything you need to know about the Industrial Internet of Things.

Alexandra Zakrivashevich
What is the IIoT? Everything you need to know about the Industrial Internet of Things.

Industrial IoT or IIoT is a subset of a well-known IoT we use in our everyday life. Unlike traditional IoT which is normally used by ordinary consumers to enhance quality of life and for fun, industrial IoT is used at industrial level. Main benefits of Industrial IoT: 

  • Predictive Maintenance
  • Predictive Quality
  • Asset Tracking
  • Remote  Monitoring
  • Overall Expenses Reduction

Please read the full article What is the IIoT? Everything you need to know about the Industrial Internet of Things. to figure out the difference of IIoT from IoT, and its main benefits.

Alexandra Zakrivashevich
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