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Mars in 3rd house, you and your family

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Mars in 3rd house, you and your family

Mars in 3rd house reduces the happiness of the younger brother, sometimes there is no younger brother and even if there is a younger brother, then your relationship will not be that good. You can get the happiness of a younger sister instead of a younger brother. You are a physically healthy and intelligent person but this position of Mars can make you speak harsh words to some extent. You are of an angry nature but you will always try to control anger but this situation will happen when Mars in 3rd house is aspected by any auspicious planet. Sometimes your behavior will also become violent but it is not good for you.


The nature of your father can be very angry and rude. But your father will be a hardworking person and will be the one to establish a huge empire on the strength of his hard work. It is also often seen that he has to leave his place of birth. Such a person is not the only child of his parents.


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