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Effect of Jupiter in 3rd house of horoscope

Fuzion Foodz
Effect of Jupiter in 3rd house of horoscope

Jupiter in the 3rd house can give medium distance travel to the native. The native will travel to religious places.

Jupiter in the third house can give health-related problems to the native's father. There may be differences between the native and his father.

Jupiter in the third house can make a person greedy and highly inclined towards money. The native will be eager to do any kind of work for money. Also, the person will achieve success in money matters.

Jupiter in the 3rd house can give problems in the digestive system of the native. The native may have problems related to the liver. If Jupiter is afflicted in the 3rd house then the native may have problems related to ears.

Jupiter placed in the third house can give loss in luck in the house of the native. The person may be deprived of the opportunity that comes for his benefit.


Fuzion Foodz
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