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Effects of terpenes

Raz Smith
Effects of terpenes

Like cannabinoids, true  terpenes have various effects on humans. Known as  essential oils , they are currently used in  aromatherapy . Aromatherapy includes several therapeutic benefits that have been attributed to various plants. Through aromatherapy, relaxing, stimulating or aphrodisiac effects are caused in people.The  terpenes present in the cannabis plant  are responsible for the range of aromas that exist between the different varieties, but it is estimated that they are not only the only effects that can be attributed to it, but that they are linked in terms of the  entourage effect .


Thanks to advances in research on the Cannabis plant and its therapeutic use, more and more active principles have been found   in this plant, whose functions are still little studied. Several studies have shown that at the same dose of cannabinoids, the effects produced by the administration of pure cannabinoids are different from those produced by the  administration of complete extracts of the plant . This leads us to the conclusion that  the cannabis plant contains other active principles  that have pharmacological action and that act synergistically and / or asynergistically with cannabinoids. The two groups found so far buy terpenes and flavonoids.

Terpenes are volatile compounds that become part of atmospheric gases, but they can also  accumulate inside plants . 

The wide variety of medicinal properties in these compounds opens up unexpected development opportunities for scientific research. As research progresses, the complexity of terpene functions and their benefits is discovered.

Benefits of terpenes

  • Antiseptic
  • Antifungal
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Antibacterial
  • Anxiolytic
  • Antidepressant
  • Bronchodilator
Raz Smith
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