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Effective AR App to Boost Your Business

Fyiar India
Effective AR App to Boost Your Business

 It is a known fact that the market is run by customers. Businesses have to avail the products and services demanded by customers to be successful. Today’s customers walk hand in hand with the changing technology and keep on updating and enhancing their lifestyles on that basis. This drives the businesses to be equally equipped with the technology and present their products and services in front of customers in the way they appeal to them the most. The technology of Augmented Reality (AR) has provided businesses with an effective tool to boost their sales and revenue and take the value of their brands to a new level through the smart use of mobile phones of their customers. The cutting-edge technology of AR brings 2D prints or graphics to life for 3D visualization and interaction abilities that enhance users' engagement experience. For example, AR can bring out creatures from fictional stories out of the book and virtually display 3D Models that make users immersive experience AR app in a virtual world and feel like the fictional virtual characters are part of their real world. This feature is now no longer limited to the gaming world. AR superimposes the real-world experience of the users with digital tools of virtual elements in the form of Social Media Filters, Augmented Reality, Virtual Simulations, etc. presented through 3D Modelling of Products and Characters.

 Augmented Reality allows the users to use this technology in multiple fields such as while:

  • Checking out clothing items and accessories while shopping from their homes
  • Enjoying a virtual tour of a property
  • Presenting information about their work through a virtual 3D business card
  • Sending an invitation to people through a 3D invitation card.

 Businesses are increasingly trying to adopt the application of AR in their businesses for promoting their brands and products. The most efficient way for any business to use AR is through an Immersive Experience Enabled - AR apps or WebXR.

 Futurern has created FYIAR - an effective marketplace AR app that ensures an enhanced user experience. Every brand should showcase 3d models on the FYIAR app for AR experience to boost the value of their brand. Brands can also present - Images, Audio, Video, and Web Links that can be Augmented on marker scans so that add-on information can also be provided.

 Automate the process of interaction with users at all touchpoints of consumers' journey with AR & VR: Consideration (while advertising), Purchase Points, On Packaging or Branding, Post-Campaign for Re-targeting & Unique Campaigns that help increase sharing with friends on social media platforms. Subscribe now at www.fyiar.com to increase business reach and engagement experiences.

Fyiar India
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