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Life Resolutions Director & CEO

Lucas O'Farrell
Life Resolutions Director & CEO

Life Resolutions Director, Jodie Brenton, has over 15 years of experience, nearly two decades helping psychologists in private practice throughout Australia. She is the current CEO & Director of Life Resolutions. In 2001, Jodie Brenton created Life Resolutions to support psychologists in the private practice industry, creating a network made of many psychologists and allied mental health practitioners who aim to deliver a nurturing, compassionate and auxiliary commitment and provide strong support to all Australians with the highest of standards in counseling and professional care services.

Jodie’s role sees her enhancing Life Resolutions psychologists’ ability to focus on their clients as their sole priority as opposed to being caught up in the day-to-day business operations that their privacy practices have on them. Life Resolutions has successfully done this by providing solutions for private practice systems, administration, and marketing operations.

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Jodie Brenton

Jodie Brenton understands how psychologists in private practice can struggle with balancing any administrative work for their business and do require support with managing their business needs and working with their clients in order to be successful. Jodie Brenton’s goal at Life Resolutions is to equip them with the tools, training, knowledge, resources, and support from our head office team. Jodie Brenton at Life Resolutions has vast amounts of industry knowledge in multiple fields including business support, marketing, and administration.

Even in today’s forward-thinking society, there are still issues regarding the stigma that remains around mental health. Did you know that 45% of people between the ages of 16-85 experience a mental health disorder in Australia? This is something Jodie recognizes and is passionate about improving. With the creation of Life Resolutions as a national psychology franchise, she hopes to reduce this old stigma by providing more access to counseling services to all Australians for their mental health needs.

Whether you are 18 or 76 years old or are rich or poor, it is important that everyone receives the same equal access and quality of psychological care services when they need them. As CEO & Director at Life Resolutions, Jodie Brenton personally works to ensure this standard is held for everyone that seeks help at Life Resolutions. Jodie’s mission continues to help Australians receive the best psychological counseling services they need when they need, to help improve their mental health.

Lucas O'Farrell
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