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Pure Wool

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Pure Wool

Wool is the textile fibre obtained from sheep and other animals, including cashmere and mohair from goats, qiviut from muskoxen, hide and fur clothing from bison, angora from rabbits, and other types of wool from camelids. Wool consists of protein together with a small percentage of lipids. Wool is the textile fibre obtained from sheep and other animals, including cashmere and mohair from goats, qiviut from muskoxen, hide and fur clothing from bison, angora from rabbits, and other types of wool from camelids.

Wool consists of protein together with a small percentage of lipids. It is generally a creamy white color, although some breeds of sheep produce natural colors, such as black, brown, silver, and random mixes. Wool ignites at a higher temperature than cotton and some synthetic fibers. Pure wool comes from the fleece sheep naturally produce every year. Our blankets are woven from 'pure new wool' which means it is not blended with other fibres or recycled. Pure wool is graded by the quality of the fibre, rather than the breed of sheep, so can be blended from several different breeds.

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