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Petpeeve herbal pain relief oil

Miracle Healing Herbs
Petpeeve herbal pain relief oil

100 % natural. Handcrafted with select herbs infused in oil, blended with essential oils, Epson salt, Methyl salicylate with Vitamin E.

It can be applied on the body to offer a quick relieve tense and sore muscles. Use as needed.

Ingredients;Capiscum annum, Lavendula, Thymus vulgaris, plantago spp,Rosa spp,Zingiber officinalis, ocimum basilicum, ,Eucatlyptus globulus ,Rosmarinus officinialis ,Matricaria recutita ,Mentha peprita Populus balmsifera,Sesamum indicum, Olea europaea,Cocos nucifera, Gaultheria precumbens , vitamin E,Cananga odorata, Epson salt and Menthylsalicylate


Price : $29.99 excluding tax


We are a customary blend online apothecary, formulating high quality personalized herbal blends. Our blends are tailored to each Individual to give support and enhance over all well being of the whole person.They are uniquely blended to suit each customer’s needs.
Our remedies are formulated by an herbalist trained in herbal sciences and currently studying Oriental medicine; we draw our knowledge from ancient wisdom with a little spunk of scientific research spiced with prayer, love, magic and intuition.
We love to formulate, we make the very best blends that act as preventatives, are not invasive or toxic and are environment friendly.

We live in the world bombarded with pollutants of all sorts; our bodies can only tolerate so much before they break down and cannot function properly. Our remedies can help return the body to a state of natural balance increasing its potential to self-heal and support it in its effort to return to its healthy state.

We celebrate the uniqueness of the human existence with the aim of empowering everyone to live to their full human potential using organic herbs that we grow, buy from select reliable venders, trusted local farmers and wild harvesters.

For more info please visit our website-miraclehealingherbals.com
Email us-aathieno@miraclehealingherbals.com
Phone: +1 818–664–6689

Location-Renton, WA, US

Miracle Healing Herbs
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