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Top 3 Landscaping Designing Ideas In San Antonio

Davit Malan
Top 3 Landscaping Designing Ideas In San Antonio


1: the importance of proportions

When you are preparing to Landscaping design gardens, pay particular attention to the scales and dimensions of the elements that will make up your landscape. You may find a series of shrubs that attract you for their proportions, or a set of flowers that catch your eye for their chromatic ensemble, these are excellent starting points to exploit to obtain the garden you dream of.

You may want to add or remove some element , for example to expand a flower bed or add a bush, or even move a plant from one area to another, this work if well studied will create a sense of cohesion and continuity to your landscape. and in general to the whole garden. You can create proportions where they are not, again by adding some elements, from vases to fountains or simply a rock.


2: welcome the changes

Always be inclined to change:  in the course of work, in fact, it will most likely happen to have new ideas or to want to change the starting ones, in a work in progress this is how things go! So change your initial plans, change them if necessary, but always be consistent with your taste, and do not neglect creative ideas.

3: be patient

And remember: patience is the virtue of the strong! And in a landscape design project you need a lot of it and it will be thanks to patience that you will be able to carefully ponder your every decision and in this way you will surely be satisfied with the final result!

If there is an empty space in your garden and you think it would be better to fill it a little to avoid, for example, the formation of puddles in which your children or your dog could get muddy from head to toe (very unattractive idea!) , it will not be difficult to insert fast growing annual plants or create a gravel area , all solutions that can be revised later without too much effort or excessive expense.

"Large shrubs are difficult to move but small plants or flowering shrubs can be transplanted easily if you realize that their position is not suitable for the outline or you simply don't like it anymore." As in furniture design, even when you are preparing to design gardens it is possible to revisit, reposition or even change the look of your garden.

For more visit: https://www.affordablelandscaping.services/




Davit Malan
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