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Cisco Patches Critical Vulnerability in Small Business VPN Routers

Mahendra Patel
Cisco Patches Critical Vulnerability in Small Business VPN Routers

Multiple Critical vulnerabilities tracked as CVE-2021-1609 were discovered in the web-based management interface of Cisco Products. The flaw exists due to improper validation of HTTP requests and can be exploited by sending specially crafted HTTP requests.

A remote, unauthenticated attacker could exploit the vulnerability by sending a specially crafted HTTP request to a vulnerable device, resulting in arbitrary code execution as well as the ability to reload the device, resulting in a denial of service. The ability to trigger arbitrary code execution from one machine on another machine is often referred to as remote code execution.https://bit.ly/3xzgLGg

For More Information: Cisco Patches Critical Vulnerability in Small Business VPN Routers



Mahendra Patel
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