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US House GOP Reelection Committee sets Record of $7 Million in Fundraising

Sienna Stewart
US House GOP Reelection Committee sets Record of $7 Million in Fundraising

Last month, the NRCC (National Republican Congressional Committee) brought in $7 million in fundraising as the reelection arm of the House GOP continues to build resources as part of its mission to regain the chamber’s majority in the 2022 midterm elections. The latest figures from the NRCC shared data with a news channel on Thursday. It says the committee has hauled in $86.3 million so far this year. It is more than which raised during all of 2019, the last off-election year. The NRCC said that the committee had only raised $48.6 million. And it also noted that last month’s $7 million hauls are its best July fundraising in an off-year and that it’s the NRCC’s fifth straight record-breaking fundraising month. The NRCC also indicated that it ended July with $56.8 million cash on hand, compared to $24.3 million in its coffers at the same point in 2019 Read more...

Sienna Stewart
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