There's a big need for good cannabis seeds in Canada right now, especially since the legalization of medical marijuana. Unfortunately, marijuana really does have an intriguing history here, even though it's a little short when compared to many other countries. It actually originated in Canada as a fairly new plant, and it spread to the rest of North America eventually.
Since the availability of cannabis was legalized in Canada a few years back, the demand has skyrocketed. Diamond concentrates in wholesale amounts are also increasing in popularity. It's really not that hard to find good cannabis seeds here, because you've hit the right button when you search the internet. But what's so special about Canadian cannabis? Is it really that different from other strains? Can one grow cannabis legally in Canada?
Medical Use
When it comes to the actual cannabis culture in Canada it really doesn't have much to do with the actual plant, and quite a few people have learned to grow their own without even heading to a grow shop. For many of these folks, growing their own is far more cost-effective than buying marijuana on credit. The Canadian medical use of cannabis is still relatively new, so there isn't a great deal of experience for growers here to draw from. Until there is some official medical use for the plant here in Canada (which could take a number of years) buying it wholesale is probably going to be your best bet.
Two of the more popular varieties are called" THC" and" CBD". Just remember, the words "THC" and" CBD" are not the same. While they sound similar, they're actually very different plants. You wouldn't want to buy cannabis that has THC and CBDin it, because those strains would most likely be too weak to be of medical use. In Canada, only the stronger "THC" strains are available for purchase.
Mail Order Marijuana
Another option for purchasing recreational marijuana in Canada is through mail order. Mail order usually means you'll pick up the plants when they're ready, and it can take anywhere from two to seven weeks for them to reach you. This method can work well if you live close to a storefront dispensary, but if you don't live near one, it might be worth considering popping by a storefront when you get home to see what's available.
The last way to buy cannabis in Canada is through a third method: honey oils and edibles. Two of the most popular edible forms of cannabis are edibles made from " THC " CBC " strains. While the strains are considered by some to be healthier than the" THC" form, they're not as well known among medical users. Therefore, if you need a little more help finding the strains that are right for you, an edible might be the best way for you to get started. Some people enjoy the taste, and for others, the ability to ingest their preferred weed without doing any damage to their body.