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Desroches Island Holiday Packages

Jet Pooling
Desroches Island Holiday Packages

Go on a luxury Desroches holiday, Jetpooling offers value for money Desroches island holiday packages. Desroches Island, there are numerous places to discover, and with 14 kilometers of beach, tourists will never have trouble finding a peaceful area down one of the many secret roads. Take a day trip in a kayak to see the shoreline from the ocean, or hop on a bike and ride around the island; the options for exploration are unlimited. Don't miss these amazing sights, on your Desroches luxury holiday, visit the Tortoise Sanctuary, where endangered Aldabra giant tortoises are lovingly cared for, and if nature is your thing, the interactive Discovery Centre will teach you even more about the island's vegetation and marine life.

Jet Pooling
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