AI Products 

Wood Look Aluminum Tubes

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Wood Look Aluminum Tubes

Woodgrain aluminum tubes from FONNOV ALUMINIUM offer a nature timber appealing, environmentally friendly solution in architectural building construction and home interior industry, such as ceiling and cladding, garden fence. The wood grain finish is ideally suited for applications where architects prefer to see a natural wood appearance.

This wood finish is a highly durable product that is easy to clean and does not require any maintenance of real wood. It offers high resistance toward heat, acids, humidity, salt, detergents, and UV. So it is very suitable for residential and commercial architectural applications in both interior and exterior.

A broad range of wood grain color selections is available in FONNOV ALUMINIUM, such as oak, teak, walnut, cherry, ash, pine, aspen, beechwood, etc. The standard texture is matt smooth and sandy.

Contact FONNOV [email protected] for more details.



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