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Is šaldyta žuvis Better Than Fresh Ones? Find Out Here...

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Is šaldyta žuvis Better Than Fresh Ones? Find Out Here...

"Fresh" Isn't Always What It Seems. Although it may be rational to believe that fresh fish is always preferable to Frozen Fish, this is not always the case.


Many of the fish in the freezer section are superior to those in the case nearby thanks to modern freezing processes.


This is because many fish are now flash-frozen minutes after being caught on the boat, in equipment that maintains a temperature significantly below that of a standard home freezer. Farm-raised fish is also frozen on the spot, thanks to freezers built into the farm.


Because more than 85% of the seafood we eat is imported, the majority of the fish we eat is frozen before it reaches our local fish market or grocery store. Some "fresh" fish has been previously frozen, and while reputable fishmongers will disclose this, not all fish stores will.


It's Important to Consider Your Location

When deciding between fresh and šaldyta žuvis, consider your location: do you reside within 100 miles of the ocean or the Great Lakes? If that's the case, purchasing fresh fish is a smart choice, as long as the fish you choose is local and in season.


If you're in California and want Maine lobster, get the tails flash-frozen. The same is true, incidentally, for Easterners who desire Dungeness crab.


Getting the Best Frozen Food

Although there is a case to be made for purchasing frozen fish, not all šaldyta žuvis is created equal. Some markets have rows upon rows of fish that have been put into a styrofoam box and placed in the freezer.


That's something you don't want to buy. You should look for one of two factors while looking for the best flash-frozen fish: A vacuum-sealed fish or one with a heavy layer of ice on it is always a good bet. This is an ancient way of freezing that provides excellent protection for the fish.


Nothing surpasses frozen fish when it comes to convenience. Consider the following scenario: it's the end of a hard day, you haven't planned dinner, and you need to prepare something quickly. The answer is those well-packaged Šaldyta Žuvis fillets!


Refrigeration also prolongs the fish's lifespan, making a fish taken in the summertime a delectable feast in the middle of the winter. And as you may have suspected, frozen fish is more affordable than fresh approximately 20% cheaper. Place an order today with FishWish Today!!!

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