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Hairy Monster Audio - Recording Studio in Hull

Hairy Monster Audio - Recording Studio in Hull

In Hull, people often have difficulty in finding an audio recording studio. I once met a guy who had traveled over 200 miles to London in order to record a couple of tracks. In fact there is no need to do that because Hairy Monster Audio is the perfect recording studio in Hull

It may be small but the years of experience and knowledge give it the edge over many other studios twice the size and price. The famed NWOBHM band, Salem UK, recorded all four of their studio albums there and the studio's reviews are all five star-rated.

It got its name from the soundproofing material used in its construction. Initially, it started escaping and hanging over the studio's roof, so that the whole studio looked like a 'massive hairy monster', according to Adrian Jenkinson, the owner.

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