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How do you like running with Nike air cushion shoes?

Daniel S Fridley
How do you like running with Nike air cushion shoes?

Nike's air cushion is still very suitable for running (here only refers to the zoom) I have worn a pair of Pegasus 35, when running, there is a significant cushioning effect, blowing the Pegasus 35. Some people say that air cushions are used in low-end running shoes. That is because both zoomx and react are newly developed technologies. Therefore, the price is high because the money for research and development must be earned back. However, I have to say that the zoomx foot feels really soft.
Now the market price of the main Nike Air Cushion Training Shoes of zoom and react are almost the same, and zoomx is very expensive because of its good foot feel and the scrapping law of research and development. Now it is also Nike's leading running shoe technology. In fact, it is not only zoom air cushion but also air sole and air max. air sole
The zoom air cushion was developed in 1996. It can only be said to be too nb to be used now. Now most of the zoom air cushions used on Nike basketball shoes. So running zoom is still good.

Daniel S Fridley
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