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A Comprehensive Guide on How To Run a Successful Kickoff Meeting

Annie William
A Comprehensive Guide on How To Run a Successful Kickoff Meeting

Whether working on a medium or a big project, forgetting the smallest thing can have a massive impact. There is no rocket science in initiating the project team management properly. But then, if you or your team goes off the track even slightly at the beginning, it can affect the outcome of your project. Simply put, a beginning of the project or a project kickoff can determine the success of every project. In a way, a project kickoff meeting is your chance to ensure the success of the project by keeping the entire team on the same page.

In this blog, we are going to discuss the core purpose of a project kickoff meeting and the basic principles of running a successful kickoff meeting. Let’s start with the objective.

Main Purpose of Project Kickoff Meeting

The goal of a project kickoff meeting is to get all stakeholders or clients feeling motivated. However, it is fair to mention that all kickoff meetings and projects do not run the same way. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the type of project on hand, stakeholders, overall approach, and your role. A project tracker tool can help you manage the project effectively, but here we will go through some important concepts for running effective kickoff meetings.

Basics of Successful Project Kickoff Meeting

Original Source : A Comprehensive Guide on How To Run a Successful Kickoff Meeting

Annie William
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