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P90X Are You Nut

P90X Are You Nut

Well…….here I am sitting in my family room all dressed up to play a little racquetball.


I haven’t played since last August when I hyperextended my knee and had difficulty walking for longer than I’d care to remember.


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I swore I’d never play the game again, it took too long to recover last time.


My brother in law plays 2 – 3 times a week and honestly……the game calls to me.


I started playing in high school and college.


I got away from the game for a long time and then got back into it about 6 years ago.


Getting hurt last November was not in the cards.  I hated getting hurt and I hated leaving the game even more.


I miss it.  I love it.


It is hands down the best outlet for any frustrations I’m going through.


I am going to take it easy and see what happens.


If the knee feels the least bit weak…I’m gonna bailout.


I’ve done just shy of 3 months worth of P90X and feel a lot stronger than I’ve been in a while.


My knee feels strong and I’ve built up a lot more muscle to support my joints.


I should be ok…I’ll keep you all posted.


Well……..I survived.  We played for 2 hours, nothing popped, nothing pulled, nothing strained, nothing broke…..life is good.


I didn’t play worth crap, but I didn’t have to be carried off the court. What a winner I am!


My shots were off.  I can’t even count how many unforced errors I had….pathetic.


I have to retrain my reflexes to not immediately react to the ball.


It’s always like that after having not played for a while.


You want to react to where the ball will end up, not where it’s heading.


I don’t know if that makes any sense if you don’t play racquetball.


The ball bounces a lot in racquetball and unless it’s hit to a perfect spot, it will most likely bounce to an area where you can reach it without running everywhere chasing after it like an idiot.


It’s not like tennis where once the ball goes by you the point is over.


A well placed shot won’t give you an opportunity to hit it once it gets by you.  With experience you learn which ones to go for and which ones to let by you and pick up on the rebound.


You might be wondering what any of this has to do with P90X workouts so here ya go:


I’m not really sore today.  If I played 2 + hours without doing p90x for the last 3 months, I’d be crawling out of bed.


I would hardly be able to walk.  My knees would be killing me, my ankles would be swollen and my feet would be completely shot.


My quads aren’t sore, my calves aren’t on fire…..I feel good.


Today I’ll pop in the P90X Chest and Back DVD.


The weight isn’t coming off in spite of my consistently working out each week.


Today I’m gonna work on a better eating plan.


Any advice would be greatly appreciated.  If any of you that are reading have had any success with an easy to follow menu please comment.


Just a warning….if it involves weighing, ridiculous amounts of calorie counting I will be doomed to failure!


Have an amazing day!

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