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Rosemount Floral

Rosemount Floral
Rosemount Floral

Rosemount Floral is a local florist with fabulous floral designs and same-day delivery in Rosemount, Minnesota.

For over two decades, Rosemount Floral has been an active part of the local community, serving all your flower and gift needs for any function!

As a devoted flower shop, it is our honor and joy to be acknowledged for our services. We were chosen as "Readers' Choice Favorite Florist" by the Sun Current newspaper, and also the top florist by This Week newspaper for 5 straight years.

Our priority is giving number one you the reliable services you deserve, which is why we offer prompt delivery to locations in Rosemount and surrounding areas.

We also deliver to local medical facilities, nursing homes, and funeral homes so your caring gifts can reach loved ones on time and with no hassle.

Talk to us right now about your floral and gift needs! Call us at (651) 423-6300 or email us at rosemountfloral@gmail.com. For more information, feel free to head to our website at https://www.rosemountfloral.com .

Located at 2978 145th St W, Rosemount, MN 55068, United States.

Rosemount Floral
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