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ServiceNow Tool Tutorial: What is, Use & Reporting Training

ServiceNow Tool Tutorial: What is, Use & Reporting Training

What is ServiceNow?

ServiceNow is a cloud-based software platform for IT Service Management (ITSM) which helps to automate IT Business Management. It is designed based on ITIL guidelines to provide service-orientation for tasks, activities, and processes. It uses machine learning to leverage data and workflows to help businesses become faster and scalable.

It offers the flexibility, power, and dependability to achieve the goals of the incident and problem management. Moreover, users are free to select their most comfortable support interface. It provides all the information to the technician to diagnose and repair issues while removing the dependency on spreadsheets and emails.


to become an expert in servicenow - servicenow training

Why use Service Now?

Here are the prime reasons for using ServiceNow software:

  • All stakeholders including employee and customer make changes to the same platform which streamlines operations and provides a single version of the truth
  • Allows your employee to perform better, and the service levels will eventually improve
  • Helps to reduce ITSM costs up to 60%
  • Helps you to replace unstructured work patterns/business processes with intelligent workflows
  • It offers many ways to get help including forms, questionnaires, chat, email, etc.
  • Web services and email actions handle events from various monitoring tools and external sources.
  • ServiceNow technology will help you work very quickly which makes your work process smarter and faster.
  • Being SaaS, you do not need to worry about configuration, deployment, updates, and maintenance.
  • You can offer a customer friendly self-service portal with your branding.

Key Features of ServiceNow

  • Ease of customization
  • Better Support to your customers with low maintenance cost
  • Real time analysis and reporting
  • Data confidentiality and integrity
  • Improved operational tracking
  • On-demand IT Service Management
  • Instance-based implementation
  • Low configuration requirement to quickly running within an enterprise
contact us:
 USA : +1 201-450-0002.
 India : +91 93921 12273.
website : https://itcanvass.com/servicenow-training
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