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Here’s How You Can Track Your Virtual Team’s Work

Remote Workmate
Here’s How You Can Track Your Virtual Team’s Work

Many employers who are considering creating a virtual team often wonder if their team can truly be productive in a work setting that isn’t face-to-face. In fact, it is one of their most pressing concerns and why they are hesitant to commit to it.

But ever since the global pandemic forced a lot of companies and employees to work remotely, it’s been discovered that productivity has actually risen with virtual teams.

That doesn’t just magically happen however. Remote management is very much different from face-to-face management and requires different skills.

While it’s true that managing a virtual team has its challenges, there are ways you can track your team’s work and productivity so that they achieve their goals and your company sees results.

Setting goals

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Just like how you set goals for your in-office team, you can do the same with your virtual team. A simple metric would be the amount of work that should be completed in a day, like one blog post, ten social media posts, or 50 cold call emails. This sets clear expectations and leaves little room for interpretation.

Weekly meetings

After setting goals, it’s always about communication, communication, communication. Weekly check-ins allow you to check on your team’s performance and progress while keeping them accountable. They are also an opportunity for your team to speak candidly about the work and their experience so you can learn what they need to improve.

Weekly meetings keep your team aligned and motivated. But if you need the assurance of staying on top of your team and if you have the time, you can start with daily meetings. If your team is in different time zones, agree on an overlapping meeting time that is comfortable for everyone.

Time tracking

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A big worry employers have about virtual teams is how they’ll know their team is actually working the whole time, especially if you’re paying them on an hourly basis.

The answer is time tracking tools, and there are plenty out there. They take screenshots of your team’s computers and some measure keyboard and mouse clicks to keep track of how actively they are working.

Keep in mind however that one reason virtual teams are so productive is the work-life balance finally being achieved. So if it works for your company and you’ve discussed it beforehand, don’t wonder why some team members may have breaks in between work throughout the day. As long as they are delivering on their goals, that shouldn’t be a problem.

Project management tools

Managing your team’s work solely through email is a thing of the past. It is disorganized, time-wasting, and can give you a headache.

Track performance, delegate tasks, and set deadlines efficiently with project management tools. They help you see at a glance what is pending and overdue and who it is assigned to. They’re also great for storing shared files and conversations, while keeping them easy to find later.

Tools like Asana, ClickUp, Jira, Trello and more help you organize all that while allowing your whole team to access it at any time and from any device. Make sure you train your team how to use these tools and make sure to keep it as simple as possible. 

Quarterly reviews

Even when it seems like things are going smoothly for your team, it’s important to check in with your team one-on-one to see how they are coping. Times have been difficult and not everyone can adjust to remote work as well or as quickly as others.

One-on-one check-ins are important for your team members to have the confidence to say what’s on their minds as opposed to group meetings where they can be hesitant. Ask each member how they feel about your current work processes and if there is anything that can be improved so that they work better. Remember that it motivates your team members to do better when they feel that their thoughts and inputs are being valued and taken into consideration.

Building trust 

A good and productive relationship with your team all comes down to trust. Being transparent from the very beginning and having constant and clear communication throughout are key to building trust among team members and yourself.

Let your team know exactly what each member’s role and responsibilities are, what the project expectations are, and how much their pay will be. If everyone delivers on these promises, then everyone can work in harmony.

Partner with an offshore staffing agency

If you’re still not confident in your management skills to ensure an effective working relationship with your virtual team, you can partner with an offshore staffing agency that makes sure you hire competent and trustworthy employees and stays onboard to help with HR and payroll management.

Remote Workmate has provided over 100 virtual workers from the Philippines to clients in the US, UK, and Australia. We screen, vet, and interview potential candidates so you only get to choose among the best with just a final interview.

Ready to form your virtual team? You can talk to us about your specific needs through an obligation-free consultation that you can schedule now by clicking the button below.


Remote Workmate
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