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Should You Store Towels in Bathrooms?

Elizabeth Barton
Should You Store Towels in Bathrooms?

The most asked question is should you keep your towels in the bathroom? Well, the short and clear answer to this question is NO. There are various reasons for this answer that you will know in this article. Readout to find out why you should not place towels in the bathroom, and what is the best place for storing them.

Why Should You not Store Towels in the Bathroom?

Most people keep their towels in the bathrooms for convenience and adding style to the bathroom. However, it turns out all of them could be making a big mistake. There are two reasons why you should not store your towels in the bathroom, and both are valid enough to avoid this habit. These two reasons are:

  1. The Bathroom is a Site for Contamination

Germs, bacteria, mold, and mildew are the permanent residents of the bathroom and are hard to get out of the fabrics. These microbes can give an awful smell and can make you ill. Towels are a great trap for all these microbes that come from your hands. According to research, water bacteria are also found in the kitchen towel, and the number of them depends on how frequently you wash them off. You can also use the idea of buying cheap bath towels and dispose-off them after some time if you have any skin infections.

Many people do not wash their hands properly, so when they dry their hands using a towel, they rub bacteria into the place where they are likely to grow faster. Some people use the same towel for their face, by which they get more E. coli on their face. Towels are indeed a helpful environment for infection. And everyone should be more concerned about the towels that remain damp or moist for a long time. 

  1. Towels Can Get Damp in the Moist Environment

When you use a towel, you transfer the number of skin bacteria and germs you are carrying. Although our bodies are adapted to live in this environment full of microbes, these bacteria can grow and cause infections. Drying the damp towel in sunlight or open air is essential to kill these growing bacteria. Therefore, it is not suggested to keep the towels in the bathroom because they are often damp and absorbent.

Where Should You Store Bathroom Towels?

After knowing the biggest reasons, you know that bathrooms are the threatening place for your towels. Now you must be thinking about where you should place them. The best place to hang your towels is outside the bathroom. The germs and plumes can stick to the towel and spread viruses and bacteria, so you should try this practice. If you are not happy with your towels hanging outside, you can store them inside the cabinets in your bathroom. If you do not have a cabinet in your bathroom, you can put them in a covered container so the plume, viruses, and bacteria cannot stick to the towels.

To avoid getting infections from the towel, it is recommended to wash your towels as frequently as you can. Also, make sure to dry the towels completely after a shower or bath. Drying towels out in the open air and sunlight would be better, but you can use other options for drying as well. Keep yourself and others safe and store your towels wisely.


Storing bath towels or face towels in the bathroom is not the best idea, but if you have a huge space in your bathroom and want to add a new Pinterest trend of the super organized bathroom, you can keep it as per your choice. However, the best place to hang towels is outside the bathroom.

Elizabeth Barton
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