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Excellent Tractor Models In India - Reliable & Durable

diksha gupta
Excellent Tractor Models In India - Reliable & Durable

Tractors are counted as a basic necessity for productive agriculture. In this modern era, successful farming cannot be imagined without a tractor. The tractor is designed to provide high income through farming without any extra effort. We all know that in ancient times farming was done with the help of cows or by hand. But this process took a lot of time, and the result was also very less. Therefore, considering these difficulties of the farmers, the inventor decided to invent a machine that would make farming more productive and less time-consuming. Then, the tractor was invented, which gave a new way to the agriculture sector. With time, the demand for tractors has increased, and today it has become an essential partner of farmers for agriculture. 

Today, many popular automobile brands produce different kinds of tractors to perform various farming applications. In the agriculture sector, many tractor brands are available which are very well known among the farmers like Mahindra, Eicher, Sonalika and many more. So, many different types of tractors are available in the agriculture sector because of these tractor brands. Some of the best of them are mentioned in the below section with features and prices. 

Sonalika 35 DI Sikander 

Sonalika 35 DI Sikander is a 39 hp tractor with a 3-cylinders engine, generating 1800 RPM. Sonalika 35 price is Rs. 5.05 Lakh* - 5.40 Lakh*. 

Eicher 333 

Eicher 333 is a 36 hp tractor with 3-cylinders and a 2365 CC engine, generating 2000 RPM. Eicher tractor 333 price is Rs. 5.02 Lakh. 

For more information about tractors, stay tuned with us. 

diksha gupta
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