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Mahindra Yuvo 585 Mat Tractor in India price And Its Top Features

sahil poswal
Mahindra Yuvo 585 Mat Tractor in India price And Its Top Features

The Mahindra Yuvo 585 Mat tractor is a powerful tractor that is more suitable for agriculture operations. This tractor model has also known for its performance in any atmosphere and any place. The engine of the Mahindra Yuvo 585 Mat tractor is loaded with several advanced features that provide quality work with increased fuel mileage. This tractor is the perfect example of the combination of reliability and durability. 

That’s why it has a valuable place in the Indian market of the tractor. Moreover, the Mahindra Yuvo 585 Mat Tractor price is very reasonable, so the customers can easily buy it. 

Features of the Mahindra Yuvo 585 Mat Tractor 

  • This tractor comes with a 4 cylinder engine and has a 49.3 HP powered engine that provides effective work.
  • It has Dry Type air filter and Liquid Cooled cooling system that prevents overheating of the engine.
  • The lifting capacity of this tractor is 1700 Kg that can easily carry huge loads and is more beneficial for the construction side.  
  • It has a Side shift-type Dual-clutch with SLIP TO and 12 F +3 R / 12 F+ 12 R (Optional) gearbox that provides smooth transmission. 
  • The steering type of this model is Power Steering and has Oil Immersed Brakes that provide fast response and adequate grip on the farm field. 
  • The Mahindra Yuvo 585 Mat Tractor price range is between Rs. 8.30 Lakh*- Rs. 8.70 Lakh*.

We expect that you have got all the beneficial information about Powertrac Tractor easily. Also, if you want to know more about Tractor, Mini Tractor, and Mahindra Yuvo 585 Mat stay connected with TractorFirst.

sahil poswal
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