Before Basic, you even curate a strategy for yourself is to understand the SBI PO Exam pattern. find the table below to know the exam for various stages of SBI PO
SBI PO Prelims Exam Pattern 2022
English: 30 Mark
Quantitative Aptitude: 35 Mark
Reasoning Ability: 35 Mark
SBI PO Mains Exam Pattern 2022
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude: 60 Mark
Data analysis & Interpretation: 60 Mark
General/Economy/Banking Awareness: 40 Mark
English Language: 40 Mark
Understand the syllabus
Prepare department wise preparation strategy for any competitive exam. The same is true for the SBI PO exam. Candidates should go through the detailed SBI PO Sarkari result slabs here and prepare their study strategy accordingly.
Choose the right study material.
Choosing the right books for preparation is the most important part of your study material to avoid wasting your precious time.
Practice is key
No matter how good your preparation strategy is, it will not work if you do not practice it well. It would help if you had a good time practising daily. Because they say that practise makes a person perfect. when you bored time you can play video games on your PC and Mobile for your stress down and you mind is fresh. you can download free game from ocean of games.
There are many ways in which you can practice your concepts. SBI PO Solved Previous Papers Solve various sample papers to get acquainted with the paper pattern.
you can check All Syllabus on https://www-sarkariresults.com/