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Polina Pushkareva's Net Worth, By The Numbers

Polina Pushkareva's Net Worth, By The Numbers

How much does Polina Pushkareva make? What are her sources of income? If you’re the curious type, the answers to these questions may matter to you. Especially if you’re an investor or if you’re thinking about starting a business and need to know what kind of salary you should aim for in order to be successful and profitable.

 Ussr, Soviet Union, Fascism, Europe, Poland

Polina Pushkareva's net worth

Celebrity net worth estimates Polina Pushkareva's net worth at $10 million. This Russian heiress is best known for being a major shareholder in multinational corporation Transneft. However, her extensive portfolio of investments includes gold mining companies and telecom firms. Though she made it onto Forbes Russia's Richest Self-Made Women list in 2013—it was revealed she inherited much of her wealth from her grandfather—she went on to say that while she would consider marrying someone with similar values to maintain control over her businesses, if that didn't work out she would marry for love.

 How much does Polina Pushkareva make per month?

Polina makes $200K per month from her work as a model and TV personality. It’s not difficult to see why she would make such a hefty sum: Polina is regularly featured in high-profile fashion campaigns and has also published several modeling books and calendars. Just like other celebrities (most famously Kim Kardashian), Polina is now looking to expand her empire by launching an app that will allow users to learn about her life as well as purchase all of her products. Thanks to these ventures and others like them, we estimate that Polina now earns an annual salary of at least $2 million (if not more). This makes her one of Russia’s richest reality stars.

 How much does Polina Pushkareva earn per year?

We’ve combed through financial disclosures to put together a list of Polina Pushkareva’s income. While she hasn’t released specifics about her salary or net worth, we can do some educated guesswork to arrive at an estimate. Let’s take a look! How much does Polina Pushkareva earn per year?

 Does Dmitry Potapenko earn more than his wife, Polina Pushkareva?

Polina and Dmitry’s marriage is definitely unconventional: she’s 15 years his senior and just as high-powered as he is. But we digress: we were talking about Polina’s net worth, right? According to Celebrity Net Worth , Polina is worth around $10 million. She got her start as a chess prodigy at 10 years old—not exactly an obvious choice for future multimillionaire—but she put those skills to good use. She now owns several chess schools in Russia and several other businesses worldwide.

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