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5 reasons why argan oil is good for hair

Swapan Kumar
5 reasons why argan oil is good for hair

The beauty industry is constantly evolving and coming up with new and innovative beauty and bodycare products. To enhance the potency of these products, companies are going back to the roots. Back to the traditional ingredients that were used to take care of skin and hair. Recent years have seen the rise in the use and admiration of Argan oil in skincare and haircare regimes. The clamour of Argan oil is such that full fledged brands like Arganicare have emerged who are dealing totally in hair care products made essentially with argan oil. 

History of Argan Oil 

Argan oil is specifically found in Morocco from the kernels of argan trees especially found there. That is why argan oil is generalised is Moroccan argan oil or just Moroccan oil sometimes. The natives of Morocco started using argan oil in their daily life somewhere around the 13th century. From then the liking and usage of argan oil in Morocco has grown into leaps and bounds. Initially Argan oil found its place in the kitchen shelf as a cooking oil but soon after that argan oil found its place in the beauty industry where it was extensively used in the skin care and hair care products due to the truck loads of nutrients present in it. Argan oil was also titled as ‘liquid gold’ due to its abundance of benefits. 

Argan oil is still a popular culinary oil in Morocco and is being used as a skin care product across the globe. But mostly it is being used as a hair care gem. Argan oil is a storehouse of nutrients that are extremely beneficial to the hair and helps in keeping them beautiful and healthy. 

Benefits of Argan Oil 

  1. Helps in fighting the dandruff

I know for a lot of women, dandruff is a pain in the head. And no shampoos, conditioners or hair products seem to be working on it. If you are one of those people who are struggling with dry and itchy scalp with dandruff on it, argan oil is your best friend. Argan oil is known to possess antioxidant, anti inflammatory, and antifungal properties that not only fights with current dandruff but provides protection against recurring dandruff as well. 

  1. Gives you shiny hair

Argan oil has a high concentration of essential fatty acids present in it which gives the hair chemical treatment like shine to the hair. Also, keratin is present in the argan oil that not only stimulates hair growth but also adds shine and smoothness to the hair making them silky and beautiful 

  1. Get detangled, manageable hair

The molecular formation of argan oil sets it apart from the rest of the hair oils. Argan oil has smaller molecules which helps it to penetrate the hair cuticles in a better way. When more oil reaches the hair, the more of it gets absorbed, making the hair smooth and soft and ultimately manageable and less prone to get detangled. 

  1. Frizz free and split ends free hair

Vitamin-E in the argan oil strengthens the hair whereas omega fatty acids in it smooth out the frayed hair. Argan oil is known to have excellent moisturizing properties that nourishes and replenishes even the most damaged hair. When hair strands are moisturized and smooth in texture they are less likely to break into split ends. 

Different ways to incorporate argan oil in your hair routine 

  1. Shampoo

Argan oil enhances the properties of a regular shampoo and protects your hair against the damage caused by it. You can buy an argan oil shampoo from a trusted brand like arganicare and use it in place of your regular shampoo. Or you can reap the benefits of argan oil just by adding a few drops of it in your regular shampoo. 

  1. Hair oil mask

For deep oil conditioning of your hair at the comfort of your home just grab your bottle of argan oil and you are good to go. Mix argan oil and coconut oil in equal portions and massage your hair with it. Cover your hair with a towel and let it sit for at least an hour (overnight for best results), now wash up your hair like you would do normally and meet your instantly smooth and shiny hair. 

  1. Leave in conditioner

Get away with your regular conditioner because it’s just a temporary friend. Instead use argan oil on your freshly washed hair. All you need to do is, apply just a few drops of argan oil to your towel dried, damp hair beginning from roots to tips. Leave it and let your hair dry up and soak up the argan oil conditioner. You will be swayed by the results ultimately. Just make sure not to overdo the product or your hair will end up looking oily.

Visit www.arganicare.in

Swapan Kumar
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