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Top Fireplace decor ideas to bring in the coziness

Stone Fireplaces
Top Fireplace decor ideas to bring in the coziness

Imagine yourself and your family in a magical Christmas scene. Getting the eggnog with your loved ones, curling up with a blanket with your partner near the fireplace, and the bewitching sound of crackling wood filling your ambiance with an enigma. Now that is peace in its most spectacular form!

Fireplaces have been associated with comfort and luxury for decades. It’s just recently that fireplaces have become a lot more than comfort; now the aura of ancient fireplaces is associated with aesthetics. Even when you aren’t using your fireplace, they are known to impart a welcoming vibe to your space. But, is selecting the right fireplace as easy as it seems? No, it’s not! This is why here are some tips to help your buying decisions. Dive in!

The perfect mantel

Most homeowners underestimate the potential of a beautiful decorative shelf above the surround. The mantle of your fireplace is one of those elements that can be jazzed up using the best decor inspiration available online. Originally a cast stone mantel shelf was added to the fireplaces in medieval times as a hood for catching the smoke and ash produced by the fire. However, modern technology now has addressed the problem and now the mantel shelf on limestone or marble fireplaces are used purely for decorative purposes.

The perfect surround

Are you thinking about getting the best limestone fireplace surround or something edgier? Then think about the unique style of your home. A quaint, minimal home or a home with a cottage feel will look beautiful with a stone surround. Whereas, if you have something swanky and modern, then a luxurious, high-end travertine or marble fireplace surround will suit your home. Practically, it’s all about the details when it comes to fireplace decor so think accordingly.

The stacked stone trend

If you want to create a stacked stone fireplace surround, you must decide on how rustic you want your fireplace to look. You can pick the large, irregular stones for the mount. They would look fantastic. Uniform stones look stunning in a contemporary style. But, when you decide to decorate the stones abstractly, they will look even more scintillating because of their unpredictable way of arrangement. Uniformity is style but the abstract is creativity. So, decide what you want to reflect through your fireplace!

The bottom line

Getting a fireplace is important, but getting the right fireplace is even more crucial. Whether you are confused between the modern marble fireplace surround ideas or the vintage travertine fireplace surrounds, you must navigate through the available options with extra care. Shopping for the perfect fireplace is as important as deciding on the design. So, if you find selecting the right fireplace for your home a bit overwhelming, you can always search online for an exclusive range of the most enticing fireplaces. Shop now and make your home look as stellar as a paradise.

Stone Fireplaces
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