Zener diodes are discrete semiconductor devices made of silicone that allow current to flow in both directions - forward and backward. Diodes are made up of a P-N silicone junction that is extensively doped and designed to conduct in the opposite way if a voltage threshold is reached.
Characteristics of a Zener Diode
- When used in the forward-bias mode, Zener diodes behave similarly to ordinary diodes.
- The bias turn-on voltage varies between 0.3 and 0.7 volts.
- In most applications, there is a modest leakage current flow when connected in reverse mode.
Zener diodes can be used for a variety of purposes, including:
- Regulation of voltage.
- Referencing voltage.
- Suppression of a surge.
- Changing between applications.
- Circuits with clippers.
As Zener diodes can operate in the reverse bias condition, they can be used in voltage regulator circuits to sustain constant DC voltage output. This constant voltage can be maintained despite any variations in voltage input or load current changes.
Uses of Zener Diode
Modern applications, such as smartphones and Android devices, use Zener diodes as well. Bluetooth technology is used in many of these applications. A basic Bluetooth device requires approximately 3V to operate. A Zener diode would be used in this application to deliver the requisite 3V to the Bluetooth-enabled gadget.
DC to DC converters is utilized to raise and lower the voltage level.
DC to DC converters is based on an electronic circuit that uses electronic switching . They are used to increase or decrease the voltage level. In most portable gadgets, DC-to-DC switching converters are employed. Within the same system board, they efficiently generate varied regulated supply voltages for distinct sub-blocks. Many switching converters can be found on a standard system board for any portable device.
What are the fundamental characteristics of a perfect DC-DC converter?
In theory, a dc-dc converter should be 100 percent efficient; in fact, 70 percent to 95 percent efficiency as usual. Switched-mode, or chopper, circuits with low power dissipation are used to achieve this. The total output voltage can be controlled and regulated using pulse-width modulation (PWM).
Benefits of using DC Converter are :
- The available input voltage can be reduced or increased to save battery space.
- The available voltage can be boosted or bucked to drive a gadget. As a result, the equipment will not be damaged or broken down.
- DC-DC converters are commonly used to create a regulated voltage from a source that may or may not be well controlled to a load that may or may not be constant.
The different types of DC to DC converters are :
DC to DC converters is divided into two categories that are linear and switched. A linear DC/DC converter creates and regulates a particular output voltage using a resistive voltage drop, whereas a switched-mode DC/DC converter stores input energy periodically and then releases it at a different voltage to the output.