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Get TV repair service at Advance Electronic Tech

TV Repair
Get TV repair service at Advance Electronic Tech

When dealing with problems related to TV installation or removal, mobile TV repair services can help you. Advanced electronic technology. We provide maintenance services at an affordable price. We focus on Samsung, LG, Sony, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, and Vizio TVs. We also provide TV repair services for all TV technologies, including LCD, LED, 4K, HDTV, DLP, 3DTV, projection and plasma. We have always focused on TV repairs at the component level, rather than taking the simpler but more expensive route of replacing the entire circuit board.

Visit our site- https://www.tvrepairjacksonvillefl.com/

Address- 3205 Fiesta Ln Jacksonville, FL 32277

Phone Number- 904-333-5936

Business Email- aetjax@gmail.com

Operation Hours- Monday to Friday 9 AM to 6 PM, Sat 9 AM to 3 PM, Sun - Closed

TV Repair
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