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Sustainable products online in India - 23:23 Designs

Sustainable products online in India - 23:23 Designs


23:23 Designs & Sourcing is a social enterprise, a brand, a journey to bring change with the mission of connecting people, to products & planet for a greater good or cause. Thus our mandate is



23:23Designs works in the social development sector with other NGOs, SHGs,Trusts & Societies, Clusters & Social Enterprises through support of Market Linkages, Product Development & Diversification, Project Management, Skill Development & Capacity Building, Retail Management, Business Development ,Education & Training.


We work in 3 verticals

1. Handcrafted artisanal products

2. Skill Development & Training ,Education & Pedagogy

3. Sustainable Solutions & Products


We present premium handcrafted products, which is made from rescued or natural materials by using traditional craft techniques. We mostly work with artisanal products which generate livelihoods and saves the environment. Our specialty is to work with the unsung heroes.



A world where every citizen can live a safe, secure, and fulfilling life, in harmony with nature.



To create business models that generate sustainable livelihoods in scale-able capacities. To provide sustainable livelihoods to the marginalized communities by leveraging the sustainable & ethical principles & practices. To empower artisans by building and improving upon their relevant capacities through skill development & training to catalyze viability and vibrancy in the craft sector - economically, socially,

environmentally and culturally. To commit to the Fair Trade principles and practices, uphold its spirit and maintain a leading position in terms of contributing to the Ethical & Sustainability movement in India and the world.



23:23 Designs is a recollection of traditional and contemporary crafts and all that which has evolved through the generations. With every product, we bring together a little bit of history that was lost somewhere in time. Each of our product beholds a story waiting to be told.


Principle 1: We are story tellers.

We believe the people, skills and heritage behind each product are just as beautiful as the product itself. These stories deserve to be told and revisited, and we endeavor to be as transparent as possible in the story telling part.


 Principle 2: Our work respects people and planet.

The use of up-cycled, handmade and vintage materials is the foundation for our designs. We partner with a careful selection of organizations and directly with artisans to ensure we are offering livelihood opportunities to men and women equally who need it the most, and that all artisans are paid fairly and well treated.


Principle 3: We revolve around sustainability.

For our customers, aesthetics with sustainable solutions is the core value of our products.

To know more: https://2323designs.in/

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